Producing and Selling eBooks in the Digital Marketplace Provides a Perpetual Source of Income That Can Change Your Life Forever!
With the use of traditional books on the decline and the sales of digital content skyrocketing more and more each year, it is quite apparent that eBooks are the way of the future. Annual sales across the eBook marketplace have now reached over $1.5 billion.
eBook production and sales is a great choice for a career, or even as a side hobby to make some extra cash.
If it is done correctly, the opportunity for success is better than most other options out there today, and the rewards are plentiful for those who seize the day.
This eBook is packed full of all the crucial data to guide you every step along the way as you venture down the part of leveraging your eBooks for success in the digital marketplace. We will show you exactly what you need to do.
Leveraging eBooks in the Digital Era includes the following valuable information:
- The basics and fundamentals of eBook production
- Deciding how your eBook will be used
- Selecting the best format for your objective
- Picking a relevant topic that will generate sales
- Compiling your eBook for the marketplace
- Incorporating advertising or other promo into your eBook
- Adding other extras in your eBook package
- Effectively launching your eBook through the proper channels
- Insight on eBook marketing and promo
- And much, much more …
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